August 28, 2013

Herrick Hills Results 8/25/2013

Advanced #8

The air might not have been as clear and cool as hoped for, yet some folks made the hour drive from Boise to experience the Herrick Hills courses.  A shower the night before settled the dust a bit.  Ole, Jeff, and John
Advanced Course
fought out the advanced course with Ole edging out Jeff by a mere 18 seconds and John not far behind!  I routed the advanced course over to the southeast so they could have a look at the state owned land around Herrick reservoir, however the map for that area was straight from the USGS map with inaccurate 40 ft. contours. Number 7 gave most of the people some problems, showing why we go to so much trouble to use good accurate maps for the most part.  Both the intermediate and advanced course participants got to enjoy a control at the base of a tall rock pillar.  Roy and Ethan did very well on a difficult intermediate course until the last control stumped them.

We'll sure miss Russ' exotic post meet snacks after he moves to Arizona this Fall.
Thanks to the control pickup crew: Ole, Jeff, John, Russ, Ken, and Jerry!

Advanced Course 6.9km.255m. climb

Ole Bergset           1:58:52
Jeff Black              1:59:10
John Murray          2:08:30
Melanie Wright         dnf

Intermediate Course 4.1km.185m.climb
Russ Pilcher           1:25:23

Ken Karcher &
Jerry Stewart          3:24:20
Roy & Ethan Meade  (recreational)

Novice 2km.60m.climb
no takers

See you next time at Stewart Gulch, Sept. 14 for National Orienteering Day!
- Karin Didisse, Meet Director

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