September 2, 2013

It's almost here! National Orienteering Day! (Or week!)

At National Orienteering Day 2012.
If you had any hesitation to try out the sport of orienteering this year, our September meet is one of the best times to try it.  Our club event for National Orienteering week focuses on showing how much fun plain old map and compass work can really be, no matter if you take it slow or fast.

Day:  September 14, 2013
Location:  Stewart Gulch, west (Hillside Junior High)
Start times:  11am to 12:30pm (courses close at 2pm!)
Courses:  classic format, 4 levels ranging from beginner to advanced.
Cost:  usual $5, unless you are a CTOC member (in which case it's free!)
Included goodies:  souvenir topographic map, a complementary copy of Orienteering North America (while they last), and special awards provided by Shu's Idaho Running Company for this event (thanks Mike!)

This year we will have an extra course level of difficulty between beginner and intermediate, thanks to Ethan Meade who has planned out a 2km course as part of completing his orienteering merit badge.  So for those who try the beginner on their first time out and are looking for just a bit more challenge but not too much distance, it should be "just right".

Bring water for the course (although for the intermediate and advanced courses there will probably be a water control), sunscreen, hat, good shoes for the grassy foothills, and gaitors if you have them to keep some of the cheatgrass out of your shoes.  And of course - a compass if you have one, or you can rent/borrow one of the club models.

Course details:
Beginner:  1.2km, 5m climb
Advanced Beginner:  2.15km, 125m climb
Intermediate:  3.3km, 305m climb
Advanced:  7.2km, 625m climb

Our club waiver will be available on the day of the meet.

See you out there!

Jeff Black, meet director

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