January 3, 2020

Columbia Village Meet Results

As a first time meet director, of a minimal age, the raised eyebrows I received when runners learned I made the course... well, they made my day.  In all seriousness I hope everyone who came out stayed warm and patient as I tried to shove maps into plastic covers with gloves on that were about three sizes too big.

Many may be wondering why this result write up took almost a month to complete, I'd like to say that it was because I wanted to be the first person to post in the new year. Or  because I wanted to say, "Don't worry Mom I'll do it next year!" But in reality, I've been semi-comatose since finals and anything I would've written before would have been incomprehensible.

For the 8 people who did come out to the meet (thank you by the way) here are the results:

Advanced Course

  1. Doug LoMott   1:00
  2. Jay Morgan      1:03
  3. Innes Wright    1:06
Intermediate Course
  1. John Murray                                  0:40
  2. Norma Bailey                                  1:35
  3. Heather Steele (and company)   1:48
Unfortunately no photos, as that would've required removing my gloves, and it was just too cold! 

Thanks for coming out!

Turns out Mom took a couple of photos:

Doug LaMott, feeling good.

Innes Wright, feeling something else.

(Added by Melanie).


innes wright said...

Thanks for the write up and setting the course..is that the best photo you could find. Dad.

Unknown said...

Is it possible a flag (#68) was left near the entrance of the Simplot Sports Complex? I saw one just off Lake Forrest, just past the bottom of the hill.