November 9, 2015

Where the Streets Have No Name

It's November, and that means our annual Street Challenge is afoot and ready to ramble!

Come on outside!

As with past years, this is a Score course format, where you can collect controls in any order within a specified time limit or points (big time) are deducted.  But of course there are few more unique aspects of this event:

  • No conventional orienteering flags.  Instead when you arrive at the control circle, you answer a multiple choice question that can (hopefully) only be determined on site.  Guessing is penalized...unless the question is really mucked up.
  • Very large meet area, roughly 4 miles by 2.5 miles.
  • USGS satellite map is used, with no street names.  Map contact is crucial!
  • Bike and run classes of competition.
Key details:

Date:  Sunday, November 15 (least street traffic)
Time:  Maps distributed at 9:30am for study, with mass start at 10:00am.
Start:  Municipal Park (under the shelter if available)
Classes:  Bike (3 hour limit), Foot (4 hour limit)
Cost:  $10 adult, $5 junior for one day club dues; free to club members.

Bring an apple.

Useful items to bring with you on your walkabout or rideabout:
  • preferred pen to circle your answer and/or sketch your route.  With a map case a sharpie is easiest.  A backup pen tucked away is a very good idea...
  • Cell phone in case of emergency or a few photos of your trip.  This is one meet where it should work everywhere.
  • On the bike, you might rig up a way to hold/view your map while riding.
  • shoes and clothing for a few hours outside in November.  A bike helmet if you're riding.
  • water and/or energy food as you need on the course (or a wallet to buy some along the way).
  • compass to keep your map oriented.
  • Eyes and ears to watch for traffic!
Since we often have a large attendance for this meet and a mass start requires a full complement of maps all at once, please RSVP (jeffwrites AT gmail dot com) to reserve a map.

Get ready and see you soon!

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