November 10, 2013

Takin' it to the Streets

As Russ Pilcher has moved down to Arizona, the traditional street challenge has moved back to Boise!  For those unfamiliar with the event, it mostly follows the convention of a Score course, where controls may be acquired in any order, are worth varying points, and there is a time limit to meet or points are deducted.  In the Street Challenge, there are a few more twists:

* the area is much larger than a normal club meet, a large portion of Boise.
* there are no traditional orienteering controls, but rather multiple choice questions to be answered at the control circle location.
* there is both a bike and run class of competition.  Choose your favored mode of transport!  Less time for bikers this year, to make the mass finish easier and level the competition a little.

For those who remember the last Boise version, the map was very dated.  Now thanks to USGS updates in 2011/2012 (thanks Russ for pointing those out) and our dedicated club mapper John Murray to stitch north and south quads together in a 1:20,000 scale, we have a much more relevant map on our hands!

Date:  Sunday, November 17 (least amount of street traffic)
Time:  Maps passed out at 9:30 for study; mass start at 10:00am.
Start:  Municipal Park (we will be under the shelter if available if the weather is wet)
Classes:  Bike (3 hour limit), Foot (3:30 limit).
Cost:  $5 per map, free to CTOC members.

Bring:  a couple pens to circle your answers (if you use a map case, a sharpie is the easiest way to write on the plastic) and plan your route, shoes and clothing for a few hours outside, water as you need while on the course, cell phone for emergencies.  A compass may be handy to keep your map oriented.  It's also important to bring your eyes and ears for traffic.  This ain't no woods meet!

Given that the maps are larger and the attendance for this meet can vary widely, please RSVP to me (jeffwrites AT if you are attending so I will have a solid map count in advance.

Fall in the city of trees.
Until next weekend!

Jeff Black, Meet Director

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