July 17, 2012

Scoring for Gold in the hills

Greetings!  It's high summer and time to explore our best map with a score format this year.  That means...you get to pick your very own route through the labyrinth of our Gold Rush map, trying to find as many controls as possible within a limited time.  There will also be a beginner course for those just looking for an introduction to the sport, would like to bring their youngest, or maybe out for a casual hike in the July heat while learning along the way.

Bring your new club shirt for a go in the heat - or just to get in the spirit for photos.

Date:  Saturday, July 21
Start:  highway 21, see below.
Time:  Starts from 11-12 (possibly a little earlier if all set up - it will be hot enough!)
Score time limit:  ~2 hours, to be confirmed.
Courses:  Score and Beginner
Bring:  Compass, good off trail shoes, water as needed, a hat, and of course a waiver.
Fee:  free for club members; $5 for non-members

Give yourself a good hour or so to get to the meet start from downtown Boise. From downtown Idaho City proceed on Highway 21 another 2 ¼ miles. Look for our orange and white orienteering road sign at the intersection of Highway 21 and National Forest Road 327, aka Rabbit Creek Road. The start and finish are in the parking area on the north side of the road.

See you this weekend!

Meet Director Jeff Black
Co-directors:  Dondi Black, Andy Hill (vetting, map)

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