April 6, 2020

April 25 Willow Creek Socially Distant Meet

A little virus is a big deal. The Boise Adventure Running Tournament originally scheduled for April 25 will be re-scheduled at a later date. The Contours Training event is now both a training event and a regular meet scheduled for April 25, starts from 10AM to noon. Course closes at 2PM. It's your choice whether you want to take your time to learn how to navigate contours or to compete for your best performance time. Whatever you choose, this meet will be different. It will be conducted as if everyone else is infected and all surfaces are contaminated. For directions to the venue see our event posting at Meetup.com.

All participants are expected to observe social distancing recommendations.

None of that dirty money will change hands.

Bring your own. If you don't, you might want to bring a disinfectant.

Non-members bring printed and signed liability waivers from home and drop them in the waiver box. We will have blanks if you forget, but we much prefer no exchanges.

If we don't have it, it won't be contaminated.

Bring your own water.

Most of us enjoy sharing our orienteering triumphs and failures. There will be plenty of both after COVID-19.

Print your own map(s) and contour training instructions from images at Meetup.com or from email distribution. Maps have not been finalized, but if you are curious, you can see samples in the photos section.
Maps printed by the CTOC will be printed several days in advance. If you want CTOC to print your map and/or training instructions, please notify us with your choice of maps and count via the comments or email JNM2870@CableOne.net.

No touching. Come close enough to a control to read and confirm the control code.

Participants will self-time and report results by email.

No rental charge. Take a compass from the "rental" box. Return it to the used compass box.

A meet director will be present to keep a list of orienteers on the course to ensure that all participants return safely and to answer questions.

Winter meets on the level ground of city parks do not require use of contours to navigate. Trails, buildings, fences and vegetation among other intuitively recognizable features aid navigation. Beginning in May and June in the Idaho City area through the summer to Bear Basin in August and into September at Idaho City-Gold Rush, the use of contours will be essential to efficient navigation. The Willow Creek venue has trails, vegetation and other features to assist the orienteer's navigation. However, you will have the option of a map with all of those features removed to produce an exercise in navigation using only contours. This event is for the persons new to orienteering who want to develop this particular skill and for experienced orienteers who want to fine tune their skills. There will be an intermediate (2.6 k) and an advanced (7 k) course. Be aware that these courses, unlike the courses in city parks, require walking up and down hills on sometimes unstable terrain. If you prefer the fully featured map, that map will also be available.

You can choose whether to do this meet competitively (emailing us your own time) or to focus on training. Routes from control to control will illustrate use of contours for efficient navigation. Thus, the intermediate course should be approached with the intention to observe the lessons intended for each control instead of maximum speed.

Notify me at JNM2870@cableone.net if you want CTOC to print a map for you, designating an intermediate or advanced map, full map or contours only. Don't count on a map unless you have RSVPed.

Your own water and snacks (no sharing).
Remember, if you are not a member, waivers must be signed and emailed in advance (available for download at http://ctoc-boise.blogspot.com/ ) or dropped in the waiver box.
Gaiters recommended.

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