December 14, 2015

2015 CTOC Season Will Wrap-up with a Sprint Relay at Riverstone International School!

The December CTOC Meet will take place at Riverstone International School on Saturday, December 19. The event will be a Sprint Relay and will venture onto the East JH Campus, the Idaho Parks and Recreation grounds, into the Harris Ranch neighborhoods, and off-trail near the Barber Dam.

The meet will consist of four separate loops; each fast-paced loop should last about 12-15 minutes. While the event can be completed individually, the loops will overlap and for your own interest, and to give everyone the true feel of a relay, participants are encouraged to form teams of at least 2 members and up to 4.

Registration will take place from 11:00am-11:30am. A mass start will take place as close to 11:30 as possible. Please arrive at the Riverstone Gym promptly at 11:00am and, if at all possible, to expedite the process, bring a completed registration form and exact change. 

Special Sprint Relay Pricing (Juniors/Adults)
  • 1 person team - $5/10 per team
  • 2-person team - $8/16 per team
  • 4-person team - $12/24 per team

Riverstone International School is located at 5493 Warm Springs Ave. The easiest gym access is down Lysted Road. 

Hope to see you all soon! Bring a friend...or three!

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