August 13, 2011

Upcoming Bear Basin meet info

Sunday Aug. 21 Orienteering meet, Bear Basin, McCall
Our Aug. meet will be held in the forested Bear Basin area NE of McCall. Because of logging work going on near the yurt and improved trailhead that we've been using for our meets the last couple of years, this meet will be moved back to our old meet site off Bear Basin road.

The turn off for Bear Basin Road is a short ways west of McCall on Hwy. 55. (1.4 miles west of the Warren Wagon road turn off). Turn north and drive approximately 1.4 miles along the Bear Basin Road (dirt road) leading to the meadow. Meet center will be at the road junction at the southeast end of the main Bear Basin meadow (no restrooms). Click on "Bear Basin -East, McCall" in "Maps and Directions"column to the lower right for a Google map to start.

This meet will be the Score-O format so you can choose how many controls you try for within a 1.5 hour time limit. There will also be a regular beginner course available. Start any time between 11- 1pm. Donations accepted for meet entry, but not required.
Meet Director, Karin Didisse

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