July 6, 2020

June 27 Lucky Peak Meet

Despite the cheatgrass, dust, and hot sun, everyone that turned out to the meet last Saturday made a great effort on the course! I've never had the opportunity to co-direct an orienteering meet before, and so it was very much a learning experience for me - I want to thank everyone for their patience in allowing me to finish getting the course set up!

We had 25 participants across our four courses, with the results below:

Beginner Course:
Name: Start Time: Finish Time: Elapsed Time:
Rosa Totorica 9:57:00 AM 10:51:05 AM 0:54:05
John & Eli Arambarri 11:06:00 AM 11:52:05 AM DNF
Sport Course:
Name: Start Time: Finish Time: Elapsed Time:
Alecia & Dave Murray 11:29:00 AM 1:13:19 PM 1:44:19
Donna Pitzer 10:00:00 AM 11:54:45 AM 1:54:45
Scott Morris 10:02:00 AM 2:02:16 PM 4:00:16
Melanie & Katrina Wright 11:59:00 AM 1:14:21 PM DNF
Norma Bailey 10:00:00 AM 11:56:55 AM DNF
Intermediate Course:
Name: Start Time: Finish Time: Elapsed Time:
Kirsten Severud 10:33:00 AM 12:08:52 PM 1:35:52
John Murray 9:58:00 AM 11:45:12 AM 1:47:12
Emily Alex 10:08:00 AM 12:11:16 PM 2:03:16
John Siebold 10:09:00 AM 12:12:35 PM 2:03:35
Carrie Magnuson 10:20:00 AM 12:23:56 PM 2:03:56
Jack & Leslie Perez 10:46:00 AM 1:24:41 PM 2:38:41
Andy Olnes 10:03:00 AM 1:48:00 PM 3:45:00
Jerry Stewart 10:04:00 AM 1:52:00 PM 3:48:00
Cristy Morris 10:02:00 AM 2:02:16 PM 4:00:16
Trenton & Cat Yates 10:20:00 AM 12:21:00 PM DNF
Advanced Course:
Name: Start Time: Finish Time: Elapsed Time:
Jay Morgan 10:06:00 AM 12:10:12 PM 2:04:12
Mike Bading 11:34:00 AM 2:01:15 PM 2:27:15

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