May 7, 2020

Major Revision and Enhancement of the 2020 CTOC Meet Schedule

If you have visited our page recently, you already know that COVID-19 took a toll on our scheduled events. We canceled Rabbit Creek and the Vampire-O because they are social as well as orienteering meets. As such they posed an unacceptable risk of viral transmission.

With adherence to social distancing procedures we believe we can have a full, even enhanced, schedule. You can read our social distancing protocol here: Beginning on May 23 with our Gold Rush Motala through October 18 we have eight meets scheduled with a two-day meet in July. The revised and enhanced schedule appears below. 

For details see the CTOC schedule at

Note that two meets in our spring-summer-fall period lack a director. They do have experienced co-directors who will give extensive advice and assistance to novice directors. Assistance includes working with mapping software, course design, and administration. We can hold these meets only if we have directors. Please contact any member of the leadership team if you would like to explore the possibility of directing a meet.

John Murray

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