June 2, 2019

Motala? What is this motala on Saturday, June 22?

A motala is a variation on point-to-point orienteering in which the competitors pass through the start/finish doing multiple short loops (each with a new map) to create a long course. Each orienteer receives a stack of maps in random order, except that each stack will have the same last map bringing the competition together to finish on the same loop. This format is often used on a small area to create a longer course. It is named after the city of Motala, Sweden. I can only guess why it's named after a Swedish city.

The City of Trees Orienteering Club has used its Gold Rush Map for more than a decade with a meet there almost every year including at least two national championships. This 5-loop motala will use a small, but interesting part of that map near Idaho City on Saturday 6/22 with a mass start at 10am (different runners starting on different loops). You can do as many or few loops as you like.

This event will accommodate participants new to orienteering and those who do not want to tackle the challenges of the full 5-loop course by offering a first leg designed for them. This sport course will have 7 short legs designed with easy-to-follow terrain features. If you want to run the sport course first, let me know. And, if you only want to run the sport course, let me know that too, so I can save printing costs for the other maps. jnm2870@cableone.net

Map summary:
Sport loop 7 controls 1.35k (first loop for novices)
Loop A 5 controls 1.22k
Loop B 5 controls 1.47k
Loop C 6 controls 1.51k
Loop Z 5 controls 1.39k (final loop for all competitors

Single day dues of $5.00 covers the cost of a map set. Free for CTOC members.

Please email me by Thursday evening, June 20 to reserve your maps. Your map reservation saves paper and ink, but most of all, it lets me plan to have enough maps. If at the last minute, you decide to participate, please come. I will have a couple of extra map sets and some blank maps you can copy to. It's a long way to drive to discover that several people grabbed the extra maps, so don't use the promise of extra maps as an excuse for not reserving your maps.

Start location: https://goo.gl/maps/M9WTncjuLpJ2
Start time: 10 am

Beginners: There is no real beginner course, however ,there will be some coaching available and often there is another orienteer looking for a partner.  The area we are navigating in is reasonably small and there are bail-outs onto nearby roads in several directions. 

Getting there: At Idaho City turn left/north onto Main Street. Turn right/east onto Bear Run Road". We will place directional signs, however it would be best if you have a map also. The roads are bumpy and the roads close to the site are dirt, but not impassable. Rain is a potential problem. I will keep everyone who reserves a map apprised of any road problems that arise.

  • Compass!
  • Waiver, prepared in advance especially if you are not a CTOC member.
  • A suitable pack with essentials and snacks as you usually need to prepare for a day hike in the foothills.
  • Sufficient water for yourself.  
  • Sunscreen and/or hat.  
  • Gaitors might be useful.
  • Shoes for mountainous  terrain.  If your ankles are sensitive please prepare accordingly.
  • Cell phone. I can not vouch for coverage, so be prepared with a whistle and other fallback options.

You will use old fashioned punches for this event.

Questions and comments? Please email me or call 208 342-2165. jnm2870@cableone.net

John Murray
Meet Director

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