August 8, 2017

Idaho City Motala Results

Jan Ehnberg making good time on the road
Thirteen people arrived for a mass start at 9am and were rewarded with cool temperatures and (mostly) breathable air. Our local meet quickly became an international competition with the arrival of Jan Ehnberg from Sweden, in town for a family visit. Jan represented Sweden well hanging on to the fastest time until Ben arrived for a late start and managed to slide ahead by just a couple of minutes. In addition to the usual CTOC characters, we were glad to welcome newcomer Bonnie Coiner, tackling a couple of loops with Norma and happy to see Brad Lowe out again.
John Murray in the loop transition
Splits with loop times are shown in the table below. Loop distances were 1.75, 1.88, 1.65, and 1.93k, a total of 7.2 for the 4-loop course. Doug missed a couple of punches on loop B, so his total time shown below is for the three fully completed loops. Using a mix of SI stations and manual punches worked out well for giving us automated starts and finishes and some split time data, while sticking within the limits of our club kit. 

Post meet lunch at Trudy's
As my first non-urban orienteering meet, it would not have happened without A LOT of help. It really was a team effort. Hopefully I will retain some of what I learned for next time. Thanks to:

Katrina Wright - Course scouting and entertainment
John Murray - Site selection, initial course "bones", and help with OCAD
Sergey Velichko - Course vetting, help with map creation, course flagging
Andy Hill - Control setting
John, Ole, Jeff, Ben, Jerry - Control pickup

Melanie Wright

1 comment:

Russ Pilcher said...

Looks like a great meet and a fun after meet gathering. Wish I could have made it; definitely a group I'd feel comfortable with. Melanie, you're doing yeoman's work for the club. Selfless and much appreciated I'm sure.