February 3, 2016

January Hidden Springs Meet Re-Scheduled February 7

National Weather Service Forecast for Boise

     TODAY    THU      FRI      SAT      SUN      
     FEB 03   FEB 04   FEB 05   FEB 06   FEB 07   

Hi/Lo  /39    31/43    28/41    31/43    27/42     
Prob   /10    90/30    10/00    10/10    00/00   Precip Probability Day/Night
 I know it's February, but sometimes we need to stretch the time continuum. 
The Boise weather forecast for Sunday, February 7 appears to be dry enough (minimal mud) and cold enough (frozen mud) to support our January orienteering meet. The current forecast calls for about an inch of snow on Thursday night. If it is significantly more, postponement is again possible.
You can refer to the City of Trees Orienteering Club blog entry of January 14 for general information.
Specific differences include a reservation to me at jnm2870@cableone.net  by Friday at 5:00 PM, a mass start at 8:00 AM and a final update to all who have reserved a map sometime Friday evening. The final update will include parking instructions and mapper's notes.  This event will be an entirely off-trail 4-loop Motala.
John Murray

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